At Welney a lone White-fronted Goose was hanging out with the Greylags on Lady Fen, on the reserve a further 10 showed well from Lyle hide and the bunds in front of the hide were teeming with wildfowl. An hour was well spent drinking in the washland scene, all the better for being within it rather than looking in from the bankside. The 2CY Glaucous Gull was a good way off but an enjoyable diversion and on the drive back to pick up the family a Great White Egret loafed across the fields at the back of Lady Fen and dropped into a ditch. Easy birding.
Denver Sluice and welney? tell me, is there a Travel Tavern in the area that can offer easy access to both these wonderful Norfolk destinations, while still providing the on-the-go, up-to-date, face-skype using businessman with quality facilities such as, i don't know, late night room service or an all-day breakfast buffet?