A posse of Yellow Wagtails came in of the fields to roost and further up river a pair of Comnmon Sandpiper bobbed and giggled maniacally. With migration in full flow it really is the most wonderful time of the year.
A celebration of birding and natural history, generally within a 10 mile radius of Ely Cathedral, Cambridgeshire, UK. It would be great if you wanted to share your Ely 10 birding news, experiences, photos, art and video through this blog. Please contact hairyfolkster@gmail.com with your post or to join the authorship, I'll get you on the list quicker than a fly over Alpine Swift.
Thursday, 23 April 2015
Dapper dabbler
Half an hour down the settling beds almost involved queuing up for parking as Ben, Rich and Neal had all had the same notion, with some Tern and Little Gull movement going on elsewhere in the county it was always worth a look. Although there were no surface dippers there were some dashing duck in the form of the Garganey which have taken up a secretive residence.