
Sunday, 8 August 2021

The Last Lighthouse Keeper

Having returned briefly to the fens for a couple of days I was back to seabirds having decamped the family to Cornwall and Scillies for a few weeks holiday.  

A fresh due West blow called for another early start at Pendeen Watch this morning, beneath the lighthouse, a four and a half hour watch was pretty solid.  Large Shearwaters performed admirably with 6 Cory's, mostly close in, and also 4 Greats cruising through amidst the hoardes of Manx.  Three choclatey Balearics, a handful of Bonxies and a decent 25 or so Sooties made for an enjoyable time.  The highlight though was a very smart adult Sabines Gull that pottered through with a couple of Kittiwakes, reminding me of the hoodie Mark H had given me to celebrate our pelagic trip.

Back at base in Pothcurno a ferocious Gold Ringed Dragonfly caught a bumble bee and expertly devoured it allowing the girls to enjoy the gore as we returned from an afternoon on the beach..

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