
Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Open Season

A gang of Tufted Ducks dropped onto the big pond in front of the main hide at Welney. One female, seemingly already paired up, and a few rival suitors determined to make their presence felt. Their pootling calls and general sidling were not appreciated, and every minute or so, a sudden rush by the possessive male kept them at arms length.

Out on one of the prongs of land at the back of the pool, one of the Godwits has so far withstood the attentions of the Crows, Gulls and other Harriers, and kept her nest safe. She's an unringed bird, but quite recogniseable with a mix of summer and winter tertials, and some summer coverts forming a patch on the rear of the wing area to compliment the mostly summer patterned scapulars. 


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