
Sunday, 19 April 2020

Rush Hour

I decided to record a taste of this season's Blackcap concert by sticking the camera on the ledge of the open window, and just letting it record the full ten minute capacity. yeah - I know ten minutes is a long time to watch a patch of bramble, but I just left the camera running in the hope that it would soak up the full morning soundscape. It had to point somewhere, so I thought it may as well point to where they nested last year. As the camera started rolling, the male had taken up a perch just out of shot, in the open, but obscured by intervening sprays of fresh oak greenery. You can hear him emitting a strange Magpie-like call that I'd not noticed before. I couldn't quite work out if it was an alarm (there was a squirel in the viscinity) or just a contact call to his mate - but after a minute or two, he darted into the bramble........

I really had no expectation of the birds appearing on camera, I just got lucky. A short while later, the male hopped back to the oak tree, and I managed to grab a short shot of him through the glass of the studio door. I really shouldn't complain when they come too close for the digiscope to get the whole bird in shot.

It was rush hour. But the garden was full of only birdsong and chatter. 

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