
Saturday, 1 April 2017

Springtime Promises

The time had almost passed for a Breckland safari and as a result it took us a little while to connect with a Goshawk this morning but when we did it was a good prolonged view.  Although the wind had a bite there was plenty to amuse during our vigil.  A pair of Stone Curlew displayed and were pretty vocal in the roadside field which also held a Woodlark that serenaded us beautifully for prolonged periods, a Red Kite joined the many Buzzards and a pair of Oystercatcher were setting up territory. 
At Lynford Arboretum Hawfinch showed well if fleetingly beneath the feeders and also elusively in the bushes and up in the Hornbeams snipping at buds.  They ticked away frequently and the floor was at points littered with handsome Brambling.


In the rough field a White Wagtail was feeding actively and a Firecrest sang in the car park but were a bit quieter and less evident than usual.
At Brandon and Santon Downham we heard 4 more singing Firecrest and saw some of them but all were quite high up in the conifers.  A couple of pairs of Mandarin added some colour along the river and on the pond.

A quick check of the Washes at Four Balls Farm and Pymoor revealed a couple of Cranes and a drake Scaup amongst a wonderful gathering of wildfowl spread across the washlands.  As we returned home Ben committed a drive by shouting - Parakeet - a great roadside spot and a bit further down the road a gathering of 20 or so Sand Martins told us spring is well into it's stride. 

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